Living not striving…

Random thoughts and daily adventures in my life

So blessed October 17, 2008

Filed under: Family Life — erikaivory @ 1:37 am
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You know that verse about God will pour out His storehouse of blessings on you. (I need to look it up.) Well I feel like that is where we are right now. Mark has two interviews within the next week. And some friends from our small group surprised us last night with a super huge blessing of all kinds of goodies and a gift card to Wal-Mart. They just wanted to bless us and remind us that God is going to take care of us.

Well they sure blessed us and how cool it was to unpack the goodies and talk with the boys about the way God provides for us and the faithfulness of friends that are “doing life with us.” The even cooler thing is this small group kind of “disbanded” months ago, yet they still care enough about us to bless us this way.   We met together for about two years and we were all church searching at the time in a way. But each week we prayed together, studied the Word and then the Lord led us all to different churches and once we were more plugged in and through that season we realized it was time to break up the group. But this awesome group of friends are still loving on us! God is so good! Thank you friends for blessing us!

The boys were super excited!

The boys were super excited!