Living not striving…

Random thoughts and daily adventures in my life

Summer lovin’ August 1, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — erikaivory @ 1:23 am
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It has been FOREVER  since I have posted here.  This blog is supposed to be more about life with my boys, kind of a digital scrapbook…but I have been doing a lousy job.  My other blog (boy I sound like a blog nerd) is supposed to be focused on the adoption journey.  I have kind of a one focus/obsessive personality so I have to really try hard to not be mentally and emotionally distracted by the “wait” and miss out on the fun and joy of living each day with my fellas:)


So this summer has been fun….full of beach trips, lots of trips to the YMCA outside pool, dreaded afternoon reading time:), spending time with friends that are moving away:(, an archery class at Bass Pro Shops, growing our tomato plants and some time at the river with Nonny!












I’ve also spent quite a bit of time researching and pouring over homeschool curriculum catalogs.  We are homeschooling McCall next year for sixth grade so it has been fun prepping for that.  We actually started school yesterday.  We are trying to get a jump on it so when things get hectic with Christmas we won’t have to stress.


I LOVE summer time.  I love sleeping in and staying up late, eating lots of fruit because it is so hot nothing else sounds any good, I love going outside around eight o’clock when it is finally cooling off and just sitting outside until it gets dark.  I love buying ice cream in the afternoon after you sweat to death at the pool.  I love spending all day on the beach and driving home sticky, sandy and just a little bit sunburnt while the boys nod off during the long ride home.








But at the same time, as bittersweet as the thought of fall and school is, I also love the anticipation of what is ahead.  Planning schedules, preparing for the next season.  We are all starting to miss a bit of normalcy whether we want to admit it or not.  I used to dread change…but I am hope I am finally maturing enough to look forward to whatever God has next for us around the bend.  This growing up stuff is hard!  Learning to revel in the now and soak in what is going on around me…while preparing myself for whatever is ahead and trusting God with the next unseen season.  Whew!! 

Glad we still have a couple more weeks to splash in the pool and explore some tidal pools:)  Regardless I praise Jesus for a sweet summer, for old and new friends, for lots of tomatoes and ice cream, no hurricanes (yet!), some time to read some good books and for beautiful sunshine on our faces and precious little boy hugs:)


A little monkey ninja action:)

Filed under: Uncategorized — erikaivory @ 1:14 am

 A little monkey ninja action:)